APT. RED recognizes that not every client needs presidential-level security. The appropriate level and style of security is assessed and tailored for each distinct environment and need. Each protection team, like each client, is unique and is treated as such. APT .RED initiates each security program by performing a personal security vulnerability assessment (PSVA). This, along with the desires of the client/protected person, gives the security team a foundation to formulate and provide an appropriate level of security, be it low/high profile or low/high threat. Our purpose is to provide the protected person a secure environment so he or she may live and carry out day-to-day life without interruption, concern or fear.

APT .RED anticipates contingencies and obstacles and reviews them with clients during the client briefing. We discuss the PSVA with the protected person and his or her family. This briefing opens a dialogue, ensuring protectees can voice concerns about flexibility, privacy and other personal issues. We clarify the importance of the logistics involved with security advances, duress codes, agent responsibilities, confidentiality, hospitals, schedules and evacuation plans. Information and logistics of executive protection are discussed in an open forum. Protected persons can approach our team with any problem or concern, and APT .RED will addresses it quickly and discreetly.

Our team is comprised of trained and experienced operators worldwide, many of whom are multilingual and multicultural. Each is highly trained, has real-world experience and is prepared to initiate services at a moment’s notice. APT .RED pairs each client with the agent or protective team most compatible with the venue and the client.